Issue #29: September 1, 1999

- The summer has taken its toll on two of Broadways plays.
As hinted at in my last column, the long-running Art closed
its doors on August 8 after 600 performances. After losing the
best play Tony to SideMan, Patrick Marbers Closer
couldnt stop the box office slide. Closer played
its final performance on August 22.

- If youre planning a visit to the Hartford, Conn., area
over the next year you may want to take in some of the offerings
by the Hartford Stage Co.s 1999-2000 season. Broadway
diva Betty Buckley headlines in their first production,
Tennessee Williams Camino Real running from
September 9 to October 10. Next is the East Coast premiere of
Lanford Wilsons Book of Days, from October
21 to November 20. The New Year brings the revival of Amiri
Barakas Dutchman from January 13 to February
13. From February 24 to March 26 artistic director Michael
Wilson will direct a new adaptation of Elizabeth von
Arnims novel, The Enchanted April. The current
buzz on April is that it is Broadway bound. Shakespeares
The Comedy of Errors will run from April 6 to May
7 with Tom Stoppards Rough Crossing, an
adaptation of Molnars farce, Play at a Castle,
wrapping up the season, running from May 25 to June 24.
- Even though Conor McPhersons The Weir is
limping along on Broadway, the London production has extended
its engagement to March 25, 2000. The 1999 Olivier Award winner
for Best New Play continues to pack them in at the Royal Court
Theatre Downstairs.
- Ted Dystra and Richard Greenblatt premiere their
hilarious production 2 Pianos, 4 Hands to the Comedy
Theatre beginning October 7. This smash hit has left a trail
of sold-out engagements throughout North America.

- The commercial theatre scene is rather bleak in Australia
according to a recent 300-page report probing the performing
arts. The musical theatre season is now limping with the recent
cancellation of the Really Useful Co.s Sunset Boulevard.
This has blind sided the community when just weeks ago the Really
Useful Co. pulled out, after less than two years, of an eight-year
management contract with the Lyric Theatre at Sydneys
Star City Casino. This, remember, is coming on the heels of
producer Cameron Mackintosh closing his Oz operation after 15
years. Other musical casualties of the past two seasons include
Jekyll & Hyde, Beauty and the Beast, Show Boat, Sisterella,
Peter Pan and Chess. We will just have to see if
our theatre friends downunder will be able to recover from the
loss of two of the musical theatre worlds biggest players.

- If you have any comments on this column, please sign my Guestbookand
dont forget to let me know where you are from. Statistics
show I have visitors from Japan, Spain, Switzerland, the UK,
Malaysia and, of course, North America.
- Also, check out the new search feature on this site. Just
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